
Stephen MillerStephen Miller, That’s what my mother calls me when I make her angry. Just about everyone else calls me Steve. I’ve lived quite an interesting life. Driven and creative since I was just a wee lad.  My parents knew I was gonna be trouble when, at the ripe old age of 2, I drank a nearly full beer in the time it took my dad to go to the bathroom. The quest to fit in dominated most of my childhood and the struggles that came with it. I was in juvenile prison at 15 and had started the revolving door of jail and drugs that would plague me until I turned 36. I’ve dabbled with success several times in the midst of it all, and had many an adventure as well.
I attended Culinary School at 19, discovered my passion for soups and sauces, apprenticed at a country club and honed my skills for a better part of 10 years in the industry. I eventually discovered that my passion for culinary creating became stifled so I moved on to what I imagined would be greener pastures. Nowadays I’m gradually starting a business called Sweet Song Creations, Where I create flavor extracts, syrups, and sauces with an eye on further expansion to come!
Following the Food period of my life I went into a hazy phase called rock star mode. I floated about in there for 10 years or so and came out a better musician and drug addict but the trade off was a massive loss of social skills, maturity, and financial responsibility. Thankfully I’ve turned that page as well.
I have been clean since 2003 and am now a college student, Following an 8 year long failed attempt at being a garbage man, I decided Web Development was a more appropriate choice due to my artistic nature and penchant for geekery.
I serve the recovery community locally working with a non profit called Faces of Hope, I currently head up the juvenile mentor team and mentor adults in the Clark County Drug Court program. I play bass guitar at my church regularly and love to interact with other musician/artistic types whenever I get the chance.
I completely and totally love my wonderful wife and children, without whom I would feel lost and incomplete on this journey of life. I thank God for them every day.

This site is my experiment. Housing the various things that inspire my passion under one roof, so to speak. A deeper look into what drives me to the light of creation. I will address many of my opinions, stories and experiences while not forgetting to share space with the people and things that provide me with inspiration. It is my hope that we can both benefit from sharing these experiences, that we can all grow more familiar together. You cool with that?

If you would like to reach me for any reason, please do so.

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